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Monday, June 07, 2010

Bead Embroidery: BLOCK-OF-THE-MONTH Challenge

Calling all encrusters or bead embroiderers out there! I'm launching my BLOCK-OF-THE-MONTH challenge this month and the rules are as follows:
1. Make a fully beaded block every month for the rest of year 2010, starting June.
2. The size of the block must be 2"x2". Take note that it must be encrusted or fully beaded.
3. Use your own foundation material, i.e. lacy stiff, leather, etc.
4. The block must be use as a focal point of jewelry, i.e. necklace, pendant, brooch, cuff, etc.
5. The block doesn't have to be finished into a jewelry right away, but make sure you can show the finished jewelry by December 2010.
6. Send me a picture of your completed block every 25th of the month so I can make a collage page then post it at the end of the month.
7. Leave a comment on this post if you want to participate, or simply drop me an email with "BLOCK-OF-THE-MONTH" as title.
8. Anybody is welcome to join... whether you're advance bead embroiderer, a newbie or just interested to learn the technique.

I will update the rules from time to time so please mark this post!

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